LinkedIn Page Not working with this update :(

I cannot get on to LinkedIn with this latest build of Comodo Dragon Version 55.0.2883.59
It just hangs and never loads.

Console data:
Calling Element.createShadowRoot() for an element which already hosts a shadow root is deprecated. See Chrome Platform Status for more details.
createShadowTree @ chrome-extension://gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom/include.preload.js:468

Terminator datalet is not seen within 5000 ms.

Hi Damund01,

From the console data you provided results that the issues is related to the Ad Blocker extension. Please disable it for LinkedIn and try to re-open the website.

Thank you.

Thanks for your input
I have Disabled all extensions see below for details:

Same result the page does not load.
Now I only get “Terminator datalet is not seen within 5000 ms.” in console

Can anyone else explain how to resolve this problem? I am still not able to get into linkedIn with CD.