Limit cmddata rewrites?

My “cmddata” file (in “C:\ProgramData\Comodo\Cis\lmdb”) is 98 MB, but keeps being rewritten so often, it ends up generating a lot of writes on my tiny SSD (14 GB/month, almost 30% of all my SSD writes). Is there any way to curb that behaviour?

You can go to the file list, select everything by clicking the check box at the very top, and use context-menu change file rating to > trusted.

I’ll take that as a “no” ;D

Yeah, I noticed that too.
Comodo service is thrashing SSD with lots of small writes.

Can we disable it or move to HDD via Windows’ Junction?

What lm in lmdb shortcut mean?

db = database (probably SQLite)

Hi fOrTy_7,

Thank you. we are investigating it.

That’s good to hear, thank you. :slight_smile:

A Windows 10 update has been running for 140 minutes and the initial phase has reached only 87%.
I do mot know how many more phases must be endured before I go to bed.

this cmddata file is the LARGEST and MOST FREQUENTLY updated file in partition C:,
and I am getting very close to disabling all protection whilst this Windows 10 update is CRAWLING ALONG.

Incidentally, I anticipate a MAJOR problem with using a Junction Point to relocate this file to a HDD is that when Comodo is waiting for it to be updated,
Comodo will DELAY the action of whatever it is that caused it to re-write cmddata.
AFTER 3 HOURS Windows Update is now ready to execute a Restart and UPDATE, I guess it would have taken 30 hours if cmddata was held on an HDD.


cmddata should only be about 100 MB in size, if it is way larger such as above 1 GB then you need to do a re-install as it may be corrupted.

I did a Macrium Image backup of C:\ BEFORE I unleashed the Windows Update,
and I have just explored that image and find that cmddata was 201,326, 592 bytes in size.
Since the Windows Update it is now 279,556,688 bytes in size.

My file started about twice your suggested 100 MB, and grew an extra 40% after a terrible thrashing by Windows Update


That is not normal and shouldn’t be happening I would to a clean uninstall and install, mine is still the same size even after adding a huge amount of files to the file list, which in turn adds the file and information to the file database stored in cmddata.

How easy is it to cleanly uninstall Comodo now.
I remember the bad old days when some files could not be removed and their presence prevented the desired re-installation


It always been easy to uninstall but sometime the install was corrupted so it needed an unofficial uninstall tool to finish. Coomdo finally made an official uninstall tool if you have troubles uninstalling normally.

Many thanks, I greatly appreciate.

My immediate concern is to improve WiFi coverage throughout my house,
But after that I will download the uninstall tool in anticipation of any corruption problems,
and then try uninstall and then new install


Hi, any news on the “Comodo service is thrashing SSD with lots of small writes” investigation? Thank you!

I’m thinking of getting an SSD so I was looking into this problem too.

While COMODO is doing their investigation, I guess I can suggest a workaround: if you have an HDD (where rewrites are not critical) and if you are tech savvy enough, you can use mklink /j command to create a symlink and move the cmddata file or the entire folder elsewhere.

Holy hell, you are right, it’s just destroying SSD’s.

Hello klepper,

Let me know your CIS version please?


The latest version.

Doesn’t matter anymore, uninstalled that ■■■■■. Comodo does kill SSDs. That was the #1 thing that wrote on my SSD. (I move temp files, browser cache to ramdrive)