Less text & More intuitive

I love to start moving sliders up and down but what I only don´t like about Comodo CIS is the user interface. I know that other softwares are worst :stuck_out_tongue:

Firts of all, thanks for bring to the public an excellent free protection suit, you are great :-TU.

Ok, what I´m trying to say with this thread title is that it´d be great to have a little more clean interface, some options (including setup) have a lot of text… making the global windows looks ugly. Perhaps putting little text and more with a popup in […] or [?].

Also there are lot of options in antivirus and firewall. I think I know them all but would be great to have for example: ALLOW this program and meaning to alllow all of traffic for it… I dont really like going to network global rules… create a rule for port foreward for this program… etc…

So, the idea that I´m trying to say (sorry for bad english) is tho simplify the whole pc suite… more intuitive perhaps… I like this piece of software, I moved from ESET Smart Security to COMODO because I think it´s better but don´t like the interface so much. Neither the eset ones (but I think it´s a little more clean).

Ok, that´s all… just to make my wishlist posted here :smiley:

I don’t think removing text is going to improve usability. I would much rather have the text initially than have to click a button or something to get more information about what the function does.