Launching CMS

Is there a way to have CMS launch when I reboot and/or shut off my Android phone?

It launches automatically when you reboot your phone.

I have to manually start CMS after a reboot or power off.

I have a rooted LG Optimus V phone with Gingerbread.

In your settings is Security Service turned on?
Rooted or not this app will load automatically at boot.
Are you running any ATK’s (startup manager or task killer)?

Check them.
Also verify this app is not loading at boot (Android Assistant)?

The security service is enabled and I have ADWLauncher

Have you verified this app is loading at boot?
Any startup manager or app manager which will show currently running apps should show whether or not CMS is loaded at boot.
Have you installed or moved CMS to your external SD card? if so, please move it back to the phone. Then reboot. It should start up normal from the phone.