Launch Pad Wish List ver 1

The update feature of LaunchPad should update all of the installed components, not just LaunchPad itself.

Yes, that is a good suggestion! It will let the user update the Comodo aresnal at once. Can you add it to the wish list, please? If there isn’t a wish list for Launch Pad, let’s consider this to be the one! :slight_smile:


Consider it to be a wishlist! One of the Moderators made this topic “Sticky” so it will stay at the top of this board. Now everyone can post their wishes here.




I have read so much about Launch Pad that I think what would solve a lot of alleged complaints about it being adware/spyware is to make it more useful that just an icon that sits in the system tray.

Specifically, I mean design it with a more specific purpose: i.e. that it would change colors to notify that a feature was deactive or not updated green all modules active, red meaning that something requires attention.

Just letting me know what I have installed or what I can install is not enough…make it really useful and informational and you got yourself a good icon and accessory.

I would also like an opportunity to set the Path to Launch Pad when installing the first Comodo app. I usually seperate Apps (D:) from the OS (C:).
Besides that the FW and AV seem to work as expected. Great job!

Make it an integrator of Comodo apps. Like the one Norton use.

Animated tray icons would be great!

You can see what I mean in this thread:,597.msg8844.html#msg8844


I’d like an option to disable automatic updates. This would be nice if you can’t (or don’t want to) be connected to the internet all the time. CPF has this option :slight_smile:


I’d love that too. Now, LaunchPad seems just to be a memory eating process.

I’d also like to be able to totally shut it off, while having Comodo applications like firewall and antivirus on.

Don’t see any use in the LaunchPad to say the truth. :wink:


LaunchPad will soon be made a user defined option on install with the option for tray icons etc. This won’t be just yet as the teams are working on improving the products first. (:KWL)


In my short time here I became a die-hard fan, I have all the time in the world; I shall wait. :smiley:


Ok great. I know how you feel, as soon as I started using the firewall I just had to try Comodo’s other products and then they said they were making an antivirus - I was so shocked I’d found such a great company and products that were so good and were free. :wink:


What I would REALLY like (for a start) is for the launchpad to actually check what is set as the system browser when opening links, instead of just assuming that everyone uses iexplore.

For a security application to override your chosen browser software and the open Internet Explorer is … a bad idea, and leaves security concerned users with a sour taste in their mouth.

Secondary, I’d like to see the launchpad integrate the firewall aswell. I’m currently running only the antiviral and firewall program, and only the antiviral software is detected by the launchpad.

I might “pick up” the antispam software WHEN it supports both imap(s) and Thunderbird. (I’m not going to degrade my mail server with pop instead of imap, nor am I going to install outlook instead of Thunderbird. Go figure.)

However, I think that the launchpad is a good idea, if all the apps were integrated into it, and thus have only one systray icon for the general status.

If the update system could be consolodated in launchpad that would be great aswell, and give the end user the “feeling” of a better integrated suite.

Longer down on my wishlist, would be the option to have launchpad “fetch and install” parts of the suite that isn’t installed yet, on users request. This again would increase the feeling of integration of the suite.


I might be wrong but it looks like CPF and CAVS will be using the same “certified application list”. Why not let CLP manage and update this list with the option of setting any Comodo product to either do this within the application or let CLP manage this process.



As CLP is no longer inluded with downloads of CPF and soon won’t be with the other products as it is being fased out. You may be able to download it seperatley if you want, at later stage (not sure on this). Therefore, it wouldn’t really be possible to add this to CLP.


I wish CLP would sing happy tunes when I feel a bit blue…
(:LGH) (J)

first lounch pad must be optional and second there must be an always on bar up on the screen lounching the application with the click of a button on the bar (M)

I have both Comodo Antivirus & Firewall installed on my computer. In the taskbar’s tray, the antivirus software (installed after the firewall) is found under the launchpad. For the firewall software, a seperate icon is show on the tray. I have updated both software programs and have yet to see both of them found under the launchpad in the tray and the firewall added to the program itself. Could you please make this consistent and add the firewall software under launchpad software and the tray menu to avoid two tray icons?

Thanks! I enjoy using your software.


Comodo removed the launchpad because users were thinking that it was an adware program, so Comodo simply decided to remove it, however it is possible it will return in the future with it as an optional add on.

I have both Comodo Antivirus & Firewall installed on my computer. In the taskbar’s tray, the antivirus software (installed after the firewall) is found under the launchpad. For the firewall software, a seperate icon is show on the tray. I have updated both software programs and have yet to see both of them found under the launchpad in the tray and the firewall added to the program itself. Could you please make this consistent and add the firewall software under launchpad software and the tray menu to avoid two tray icons?

Thanks! I enjoy using your software.


Comodo removed the launchpad because users were thinking that it was an adware program, so Comodo simply decided to remove it, however it is possible it will return in the future with it as an optional add on.
Okay, but Anti-virus installs it by default. I want to either a) remove the launch pad, but not anti virus, or b) combine the firewall product into the launch pad. Are either of these options possible?