Last Free ComodoIS Lock it all internet !!

:o After installing last version of ComodoIS Free with Defense+ and sandbox my notebook simply refuse to run various softwares except MS “enable”; :-\ blocked´s like virtual box, firefox, free vmware player and many other, even comodo dragon don´t work !! so i decided install only firewall on all standard config´s ( before these last update ) all was ok on my windows 7 x32 but, in my last update on pc, simply NOTHING excepct Messenger and other MS “enable” run !! Browsers don´t even start, i decided install all ( FW,AV, DF+ and Sandbox ) on standard install as aways do but the only solution was >:( uninstalling so, now, on XP x32 or Seven x32 i have the same problem, no one config´s made work´s !! What is wrong now ?! I can´t fix any solution…please anyone is getting the same ?!? ??? 88)

Hey and warm welcome to comodo forums!

add the wanted application in application rules (CIS —> Firewall —> Networksecurity policy —> application rules —> add)

See if something is added in sandbox (look in summary —> Defense+)

Add the wanted application d+ (defense+) by CIS —> D+ —> Computer Security Policy —> Defense+ rules —> add —> Browse

I hope this will help

Enjoy your stay at comodo forums!

Valentin N

Hi, did you try following the procedures here when you were installing?

Also, were any of the applications you were trying to use signed by Windows or other well known companies? I ask because CIS currently has an extensive whitelist that should allow most well known programs to run without any hassles. Thus if you are having problems with even programs like this then something probably went wrong with your installation. Have you tried running the diagnostics?

If nothing seems to help then I would advise uninstalling the program using the methods discussed in this topic and installing following the methods I discuss here.

Let me know how it goes.