larger file scanning


I am new to CIS, abnd despite having read the thread entitled 'How to scan large movie files for viruses (700MB +) ’ cannot seem to get it to scan.

I have adjusted all settings to file size ‘999999999’ however when I scan a large file, it still comes back with ‘0’ scanned and ‘0’ threats found. Can someone please let me know how to scan these larger files?

Apart from this, and yes I am ‘preaching to the converted’, I love CIS (in comparison with others),
…even without the email scanner I maintain it needs, espec if to be comparable to other offers (yes I have read the publicised rationale behind not having one…however that it does remains my view).

Any response to the query or comment, would be appreciated.


I tested if here on my Win 7 and I can confirm the behaviour. It simply skips the big file even though I set the manual and residential limit to 5120 MB.

Look like we may have found a bug. What OS are you on?


I am using Win Xp Home, with IE 8.0.

If it is a bug, as I download file vids and movies regularly of this size…I am thinking I may have to reinstall CIS and only use its firewall, and another AV, until this bug is addressed.
Or is there another solution?



Hi Guys,

Well it seems that this is a well known bug…this is notwithstanding the mentions in the other posts, though its not evident that in all cases the advise solved the problem.

Where to from here for CIS (as I am a Newbie)?

Personally i have taken the action mentioned in my prior post. Less than ideal, but little choice at this time

