Korumail email forwarding problem

we are using Comodo Korumail 6.7.4.

We are IT support company and we need to use mail system forward to freshdesk mail adress. support@companyname.com mail is forwardin to support@companyname.freshdesk.com. when our company get first mail it is forwarding to freshdesk mail. Before it is working without korumail. the problem here is when we get mail to company adress , forwarding mail by sender mail adress so that mail adress not in our sending list. we need to give previliges for this support mail to forward by sender mail adress. it is like;

user@company1.com sending support@companyname.com

that mail forwarding like sender user@company1.com to support@companyname.freshdesk.com

I need configuration help about that.

Thanks Anyway.

Do anyone from the support team help my problem?

my company have a big issue about this situtation and we will try different solutions about that.

We are looking your forward A.S.A.P.


We are still waiting help for that problem…

First of all, we apologize for our late response. This seems as a new feature for Korumail and it was evaluated to develop but unfortunately such a this option for this type of email forwarding can not be provided in short term. fyi