Kiosk Crashes


As you might remember I had an issue after updating to CIS 6.1 with my firewall, this got solved with the most recent update :-TU.
But, I’m still having trouble with the Kiosk, as soon as I launch it, it shuts itself down and the libraries folder of windows shows up.
I’ve tried to do a clean install (including the uninstall tool V0.3b)

  • Resetting the Sandbox
  • Tried the different configuration presets
  • reinstalled Microsoft Silverlight

By observing Killswitch I noticed that after the crash there are 8 processes still running:


A couple of seconds later both instances of virtkiosk.exe are being shut down.

The issue first appeared with the update that blocked internet settings for some users, even with the most recent update to 6.1.275152.2801 the Kiosk still crashes.

Kind regards,

Just wanting to let you know I managed to solve the issue:

I navigated to: C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security
Looked foor "virtkiosk.exe
And put in in compatibility mode ==> Windows 7
Ironically I have a windows 7 system ;D ;D ;D
Will this pose a security-threat?

Kind regards,

This does not help me. The kiosk still crashes and it takes the whole computer with it.

What do you mean when you say it takes the whole computer with it? Do you get a BSOD?

No but it becomes unresponsive. It might get a BSOD if i waited longer but i just press the reset button.

Ok, now I understand. This should not cause a BSOD.

Please try reinstalling CIS by following the methods I suggest in this post. If you still are seeing the problem please create a bug report in this section of the forum. Be sure to use the format provided in this post.


Can this problem be fix in a futher patch because it look like a hassle to reinstall COMODO ?
Or i can just stop using this feature since i dont use it much?

Unless a bug report is created it’s unlikely that it will get fixed.

It would be nice to have a bug report about this, but I suppose that as long as everything else is working correctly that is a possible solution.