Killing Launchpad on Startup

I just installed backup, but noticed now whenever I turn on my computer, the launchpad is smack dab right in the middle of desktop and I am forced to close it.

How can I stop this from popping up everytime I turn on my computer?



If you launch Launch backup, go to options >> settings and see if any of the following have a tick next to them Load at windows startup (all users / current user), try unchecking them and see if this works.



Launchpad has no settings or options tab to even check these things.

I did an end-run around the program, using MSCONFIG and disabling its start up there.


Sorry my mistake

Glad you’ve solved the problem


Well, speaking of killing it on startup, when you do so, there’s no icons to represent the programs that actually run in the background. I think that when its closed, there should be icons to represent the programs.

We’re trying to convince Comodo to bring them back. It worked that way before Launch Pad arrived on the scene.



Comodo does not need convincing, its the users that choose! By all means you can run polls to see what people want and we will go with the majority! What better way then to go with what user’s want!?



I have a slightly different issue with Comodo Launch Pad.

I want it to start on Windows Startup, I just don’t want it to popup in my face! I would prefer a behavior similar to MSN Messenger, which starts silently in the system tray and you don’t even notice it.

Is this possible in the current version? I couldn’t find any option for it…
