KAV and Comodo Firewall

Can someone tell me is Comodo Firewall compatible with Kaspersky Anti Virus? Thanks

I have heard from various places that Comodo firewall IS NOT compatible with Kaspersky anti virus.

It actually is if you install KAV (and not KIS), if you install KAV before Comodo, and if you don’t install Comodo AV: schematically speaking, you should not have both AV or HIPS.

The other way around is more tricky, as one has to export Comodo registry keys, delete them, install KAV, then import the saved keys or, more easy, to skip KAV product check.

No solution as far as i know for KIS as both HIPS conflict and KIS takes the hand over real and virtual NIC devices drivers.

I’m using KAV 2011 (a) and COMODO Firewall without Anti-Virus and Defense+ and there is no comptaibility or performance problems. Only thing you should do is to allow any avp.exe traffic. KAV can be installed after COMODO if you run setup.exe with following parameter /pSKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1.

I’m using KAV 2011 but when I tried to install CIS 2011 Pro. It said that I must uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security, which is very strange. Because I’m using KAV, not KIS. So that, I can’t install CIS. Please help me! Thank you!

Did u just install the firewall or the whole suite?

After I clicked on the installer, I chose language and then the incompatble dialog appeared.

I’ve heard Kaspersky is really bad about being incompatible with other software…u could uninstall KAV then install comodo then re install KAV

Thanks! I will try it :wink:

I’ve just installed CIS Pro 2011 and it didn’t give me a choice to install component I want, it just installed everything automatically. I don’t know what the main protection different between CIS and CIS Pro. Is it Defend+?

No, both have Defense+. Please see this.

CIS Free dont have this:
Live PC Support - Remote Security Support & Anytime System Support - everything.

  • Trust Connect
  • $500 virus free guarantee

and thats only difference between Pro and Free! Protection is the same!!!

Thank you very much for all of your help!!!