
Such a sad fate for the fastest browser to be (or at least it seems to be) discontinued. Usable, still, so many broken pages.

Hi spainach_12,
It was a good browser on undernourished machines for sure.
I guess these older machines are becoming fewer and the need for such light weight programs is being over run with technology.
Good things come and go, it looks like another for the history books. :wink:

How true. :)) The XP cd I bought, my 5GB hard drive, 224 RAM card and a CPU case would be such a waste, so I thought of putting them to good use as a work-dedicated environment. Old as these things may be, they still do their jobs better than most out there.

Some older systems are as tough as nails and keep on plodding away.

Regarding K-Meleon,
I have never since seen modern browser quite as configurable, it had a lot of uniqueness about it.

My thoughts exactly.

K-Meleon was exceptionally fast and light, once beating Chrome by a few seconds (which was extremely significant considering their argument). Pages loaded faster, too. True that a factor to consider was the preloader in the system tray which adds up to startup, but the additional seconds were so negligible it’s hardly noticeable. Really, if only it had been developed further to accommodate new web formats…

Threatfire’s such a waste, too. Properly configured, it did a 100% all the time I tested it against something else. It slowed systems considerably though, especially shutdown time and application launch though this was supposed to be addressed in subsequent updates after 4.7. Those updates never saw release, not even beta.

Man, so old yet so useful. Wonder why good things just don’t last.