just how good is comodo?

I have read several reviews about comodo, especially the firewall and AV, but I keep getting drastically different opinions. One says comodo is the best ever, and another says stay away. how do i know for sure if comodo is as good or as bad as i hear? I know opinions vary greatly, and every company has good and bad reviews, but i am looking for facts, not opinions.


More Benefits:

The AV? Well v3 of Comodo AV is in BETA. Will improve over time, We are aiming for a top position next year some time.


COMODO Firewall is free. There are no stip-down version.
i feel like the firewall is good quality, but i am unsure about the antivirus and felt unsafe when using it because it is beta and i dont know if it is any good compared to avast, antivir and avg. what is the biggest difference between comodo antivirus and the others? i use boclean because it seems to have some detections for some spyware and because "antivir free" doesnt find spyware. i have no resident antispyware other than boclean but i am not sure if boclean have detections for all spyware.
Great Support Forum! (Here)
it seems like a friendly forum i must just get used to the red colors, they make it difficult for me to navigate in the forums. what about having a feature in the forums so that we can see everybody that is online? i dont want to feel that no one is here.

Hello, Click the “HOME” Button at the top of this page to return to the index and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who is online… There is always people online!

As for your question regarding the AV of comodo in CIS;

I can tell you right now that AVG or avast! would have much better detection than comodo, This is because CAVS3 has not been out very long, It will be up at the top soon though :slight_smile:

Well the difference right now is that Comodo has an great team behind it and alot of support and motivation that will push it to the tops, The engine being used is probably the fastest, or one of the fastest ever made for an AV.
It lacks detection because it’s soo new, In time this will be increased.

How ever Defense+ and Comodo Firewall is excellent, second to none.

i use antivir, i dont like avg right now but i have heard that it is good. avast must be registered but i like it and it also looks better than avg. can threatfire be used together with defence+? i think i saw on the wilderssecurity forums that defence+ didnt detect that a process was becoming hidden but threatfire did detect it, i may remember wrong. another thing that i can see is that comodo firewall didnt turn off the windows xp firewall on my computer, and after uninstalling comodo, one firewall is on according to the windows security center but when i look then windows firewall is off.

Hello, Click the "HOME" Button at the top of this page to return to the index and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who is online... There is always people online!
i didnt see that.

Ahh Wilders Forums… [u]A few members[/u] there really pick at certain products… I would assume that the person who made this claim didn’t know what they were doing. You could always ask this person to post on these forums about the test that they think by passed comodo :slight_smile: Would help improve on CPF. :■■■■

Threat Fire can be used with Comodo.

If you have trouble removing comodo please look at this thread;

EDIT: Changed wording to avoid flame.

it is here: Answer how to use Threat Fire with Comodo | Wilders Security Forums

this is what was said:

ThreatFire can warn if a process is about to be hidden, indicating possible rootkit activity. Comodo Firewall cannot do this.

i just thought i should ask on this forums if threatfire and defence+ could be used together as this is the comodo forums and i dont know if i can trust wilderssecurity. i am not a member there either.

Yes that is a very good thread - his settings were not selected to monitor HOOKS, so thats why.
As is pointed out that if you do not use CPF3 correctly - you may allow the maleware to run freely.

So Give Comodo a Trial and see how it works for you :slight_smile: feel free to ask questions as you will probably get the answer you need very quickly :slight_smile:

Why would you not want to trust Wilders Security Forums?

I myself have gathered a lot of useful information there. Not all of their criticism may be justified, but they usually get it right. They just don’t like fan-boyz ;D


I don’t think you need ThreatFire with Defense+ IMO. D+ Is a better HIPS…


I don’t understand what you mean by short visioned. Can you give me some examples?
You can basically talk about any security product that you would like to know more about.
If there is someone there that knows something about it, you will usually get some feedback.


Process hiding with CFP has been addressed in Defence Plus gives no warning about process hiding

As For TF+ CFP3 it is generally reported to work but IIRC there where some issues that prevented keyologging detections

It looks like no one confirmed this on CFP3 > 3.0.21 till now. If anyone tests it please post the results in that topic. :-TU

PS: please restrict comments on single cases and not on an entire forum. I would espect anyone who don’t wish to cause a cross forum flame-war to edit his post and selfmoderate himself.

PS: please restrict comments on single cases and not on an entire forum. I would espect anyone who don't wish to cause a cross forum flame-war to edit his post and selfmoderate himself.
True chief, Adric, I'll take my words back :)

Peace man

Xan :-TU

i have tried both comodo firewall and cis and i liked them it was only that the comodo malware scanners in the stand-alone firewall and cis detected some system files as a worm and i deleted them, however nothing bad seemed to happen. i have just downloaded the firewall again but should i turn off the xp firewall before installing comodo firewall or after the computer is restarted? i used revo uninstaller to uninstall the comodo programs but i dont know if it is recommended to use revo to uninstall them.

Why would you not want to trust Wilders Security Forums?
i just decided to ask on this forums instead of wilders or another forum since this is the comodo forums.
I myself have gathered a lot of useful information there. Not all of their criticism may be justified, but they usually get it right.
it is an very interesting forum.
I don't think you need ThreatFire with Defense+ IMO. D+ Is a better HIPS...

i trust you on that :slight_smile: i will see what i do, but it doesnt hurt to try them both but i think i must wait to use them both until i get a new computer as i cant use everything i want on the computer i have, it is old. it is just that i am unsure about this pctools, pctools antivirus didnt seem to be any good, i hope comodo antivirus will be better than the pctools one but i have not compared them and i didnt use comodo antivirus so very much.

i have a cd with some malware that i am thinking of submitting to comodo if comodo antivirus doesnt find them, i tried to scan it with different antivirus and antimalware but i dont know if it is like playing with fire, defence+ didnt react on something when i was scanning the cd so i guess no one of the malwares was trying to execute.

Please submit :slight_smile:

Also PC tools has a black list\ behavioral scanner inbuilt the HIPS. Comodo is better how ever if your not too tech savvy then PC tools might be friendlier to you. Try them both and post on both forums and don’t be affraid to ask for help :slight_smile:

Try them both and post on both forums and don't be affraid to ask for help
i will, i am just not ready to get questions from some hips today. i dont understand why they call it "threatfire [u]antivirus[/u]" as i have understand it is not an real antivirus.

I don’t like Threatfire because:

  1. It uses a lot of resources.
  2. It is slow to open, and to kill and quarantine (and it quarantines some files that don’t need to be quarantined).
  3. Even after I disabled it from startup, it is still running (going to uninstall it very soon).
1. It uses a lot of resources.
it freezed to me one time i used it, but it was probably only my computer that couldnt handle it.

can winpatrol be used together with defence+?

Just how good id Comodo? Is this a rhetorical question?

and where’s the OP btw 88)