Java FX 2.1.1

What was Java FX 2.1.1?

I had Java & Java FX 2.1.1 in Add/Remove

For some reason I had to uninstall Java so I uninstalled both.

I downloaded & installed latest Java from official site.

But now only Java is in control panel. No Java FX.

Any info?

When in doubt, check the developers web page…

JavaFX Developer Home

Ok, got it.

Can you give info on other query?

If you don’t know what Java FX is, it’s not something you need.

It isn’t installed as a part of the standard Java install. As to why it may have been on your system, you would have had to install it at some point.

Java installed it. An update of Java 6 installed it. I manually updated java i.e checked for updates from java control panel & java along with updates also downloaded & installed java fx.

I wouldn’t expect it to do that as Java FX isn’t part of the standard install. But regardless, it’s not something you need.

Theres more then one installer for Java, one of them that non-developers gets directed to comes bundled with JavaFX, have downloaded this myself a number of times and have either blocked isntallation of JavaFX or uninstalled it >:(

If I remember correctly theres Java SE, Java JRE, and Java JDK, not sure but I think its Java SE that has JavaFX bundled with it, but I could be wrong about which one :embarassed:

I will test this out in my VM and let you know ;D

Hmmm…cant seem to find the installer with JavaFX bundled with it now, wonder if they for some reason stopped doing this, I know I have downloaded Java with and without JavaFX bundled with it in the past, looks like they have stopped doing this :smiley: