I've liked Comodo all along but 3.8+ is driving me nuts!

<<the following was my posts from another forum - copied and pasted>>

[i]I was playing Team Fortress 2 for a while, and when I shut the game off (dropping me back to the desktop) I saw a notice that Comodo Firewall had an update available. I installed the update, and rebooted when requested to. Upon loading again, my network connection is royally hosed. Can’t connect to the internet no matter what I do. I uninstall Comodo, internet works again (with a little fiddling) Re-install Comodo, connection is hosed once again. I re-installed and fiddled around for a while and finally got it working again but now my connection does what it likes, when it likes. I have the router doling out addresses and have never had a problem until this update. It tries to give me a local address of 169.xxx.xxx.xxx! (my understanding is it’s not seeing the DHCP)

After arriving at wit’s end, I’ve rolled back to version 3.5 of Comodo and everything is back as it should be. I’ve been reading about others having nothing but problems with version 3.8.xxx as well.

Every time I reboot my computer, there is no network connection and I have the IP / (no typo) Subnet - every time! There is no amount of fiddling I can do that will get it to connect, unless I change the IP, subnet, and gateway manually, and then immediately change the settings back to let it “automatically” set these options. I shouldn’t have to do this upon reboot every time! Shocked

Keep in mind I’ve had this install of Vista 32 for a while now, and had been running just fine until Comodo announced it had an update available. It has been nothing but headaches and has gone downhill from there with the even newer updates - FOR ME! I re-install version 3.5 and everything goes back to “normal”.[/i]

Now I’m thinking maybe I should have done a clean install after removing everything with Revo and this “CIS file and registry cleaner” I hear about.

Any suggestions?

Welcome to the Forum, MoparMadness.

A clean install is what I recommend, Depending of systems configurations, upgrades are iffy for me, but a clean install has always worked.