Issues with CAV

My Dell XPS 17 has a i7QM processor. By default Intel Turbo Boost is launched once logged in (see screenshot last entry).

Now with any AV, I experience no boot issues.

However with CAV installed it takes awhile to load the Intel Turbo Boost. I have it excluded on scan, added to trusted in D+, everything.

Sometimes CAV crashes and basically it won’t activate the modules. Turbo Boost still loads once CAV crashed but then I have to reboot for CAV to work again and have to wait up to 1 minute.

I previously didn’t notice since I usually go get a drink while it’s booting until I have realized. Out of 8 restarts, it happened 6 times.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Did you try adding Turbo Boost executable to the Exclusions of Detect shellcode injections (i.e. Buffer Overflow Protection)?

If that does not work I think we are looking at a compatibility issue.

Hi guys, previously running v5.10, the AV module would sometimes freeze upon Intel Turbo Boost.

Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology Monitor 2.0.lnk C:\Program Files\Intel\TurboBoost\SignalIslandUi.exe

This is set by default to launch at start up (last task to be loaded).

When CAV hangs, I had to restart to have CAV working again.

D+ had it trusted, CAV had it on list of exclusions but problem still happens every now and again.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

Comodo Firewall module not installed.

Any ideas?

I have the same system with the same Intel Turbo Boost. No problems here at all. It might be a bug you found but how come I’m okay with the same system and CAV apart from firewall? I would say it is something to do with your system which does this maybe some errors?

Several tests conducted:
On host:
Non tweaked Default factory Dell OS restore with CAV and D+ installed: Happens occasionally (randomly)

Clean OS install with Dell drivers (no software apart from Quickset) with CAV and D+: same issue

VM: image of both above mentioned systems and still experience the same issue.

The main issue is: I don’t get an error message. It just takes time for Intel to fire up and eventually it does but then if you open CAV, on the left hand side you will see the error message Antivirus Failed to Initialize

Also, it takes nearly 1 minute to fire up Intel, which on factory dell os restore shouldn’t take long at all and even less on a clean OS.

Still unable to pinpoint since checking event viewer doesn’t really give me much either.

On a side note, DB is always up to date.

No issue detected by Diagnostics. To fix I have to reboot. Plain and simple temporary fix but rather inconvenient.

Edit: some users report the same error message but when updating database. I don’t recall seeing Comodo updating database upon startup. Could this be linked?

Just mentioning, if you have enabled enhanced protection mode? Like I said just mentioning, dont know if this may be the prob.

I have it disabled, despite being on a x64 architecture

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Yes this was done as well.

I have posted further info on a new post. Please could you merge the post?

Mod edit: Added quote from Eric due to altered sequence in merging topics, Captainsticks.

Merged from opening posters request.
Note: Due to posting times the posting sequence was altered.

Any ideas guys?

What process is crashing cmdagen.exe or cfp.exe?

If it is cmdagent.exe then let’s see what happens it we set it to restart after it crashed. Go to Control Panel–> Administrative Tools → Services. Now look up Comodo Internet Security Helper Service → select it → choose Properties → Recovery → set it to always recover after 0 days and 0 minutes.

How much delay does CAV cause in the loading of Turbo Boost upon start up? How do you check? Sometimes a tool like Soluto can be useful to analyse boot performance.

I have not checked which process is crashing to be honest. When I open Comodo and i see that error message (guaranteed to appear due to delay in starting turbo boost), I restart the system straight away.

I use the good old traditional method of timing: Stopwatch. Booting windows without a problem less than 15 secs.

When problem starts: between 45 to 1 min.

Everything is operational once turbo boost starts since turbo boost is the last application to be loaded, but then I need to restart due to CAV.

I have to add I have done several diagnostic attempts and no issues found.

Should I attempt to add Turbo Boost into every exlcusion possible? if so care to list the step by step and areas?

Also if it helps:
Turbo boost driver version:

System: Dell XPS 17 (L702X) - Custom hardware installation based on UK capabilities:

Screenshot of components (bare in mind temps were higher than normal due to be running 2 game clients at the same time):

This problem is too technical for us to get a finger behind. This is worth a bug report.

If you have the time and energy please consider filing a bug report in the Bug Reports - CIS board following the format as described in FORMAT & GUIDE - just COPY/PASTE it!.

Reporting of bugs is strictly moderated to make sure Comodo gets clear bug reports. So, please make sure you closely follow protocol. That way your report will certainly be seen by Comodo staff.

Thanks Eric.

I shall do the bug report within the weekend.
