Issue with Skype

Hullo hope someone can help (:HUG)

Just installed latest CFW and having an annoying issue with it. Skype so far has been unable to maintain a proper connection for any longer than 5-30 seconds at a time. On my end the client ends the connection within that time, and upon trying to redial the same contact I get the message that the contact is unavailable at that time. This requires me to logoff the on again to reset the proper online status of the contact.

This occurs using the default (permissive) rules by CFW, and when I edit the application for Skype to permit all. Also had tried to set CFW to globaly Allow All to the same effect.

An uninstall back to using windows firewall restores proper operation of skype (with an exception rule for skype).

Any ideas for a solution? I dearly want to use CFW on a regular basis.


Welcome to the forums!

If you have not managed to sort this yet double check Skype has FULL Access to the internet (I Know you stated it does but some times people think it does but it does’t have full access). If it does take some screen shots of the logs at the time of problems or save the logs and post them on here.

In using Skype, you set a port to use within Skype’s application interface (tools/options/connections). You will need to set a specific port, though, not let it randomly select one. Preferably you want a high port number, that’s not likely to be otherwise assigned. If there’s an option for UPNP, turn that off as well.

Your Application Monitor will need an In rule for Skype will need to include that Port as well (in addition to an Out to Any).

In Network Monitor, you will need to create/add a rule to match up, as follows:

Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP/UDP
Direction: In
Source IP: Any
Destination IP: Any (or yours)
Source Port: Any
Destination Port: A Single Port: (the port you’ve specified in Skype)

Hope that helps.