Is this for real?

Could a COMODO staff member say whether or not this is a legitimate certified web site by COMODO?

They claim it is. But, all I see is a image. And, a image is not enough.


Well The Certificate Is not From Comodo

(see Attachment)


[attachment deleted by admin]

But they’re using this one their site ?

Anyone that wants to try out their software ? They have freebies …


Well their freebie time watcher seems to be legit. But djee it’s using 50mb just for being in my taskbar waiting for the right time to come :o. It’s my heaviest app…



So, if the website is not being certified by COMODO, it makes me question why the certified logo is there and if that’s even the real deal.

I’m wondering what COMODO has to say about it.

Here is an interesting link, when you want to check if a site is one of Comodo’s certified.

:-[ :-[ :-[ Edited due to duh!.. I called fake without following through to the actual page where the cash meets the road.

See below, Nice catch, My Bad :-[


I entered the domain of their online shop in the search box of the mentioned page and those pages are validated and authentic.

But, the domain isn’t. And, the COMODO certification logo is there to show people their domain is the real deal, since its certificated, in this case by COMODO, when the certificate for the domain does not come from COMODO.

I’m not saying the site is fake or anything like that, but, the first time I checked it, I see that, despite there’s the COMODO logo there, the certificate for that domain is not from COMODO.

This confuses people. It sure confused me.

The Comodo certificate is for the onine shop part. Not for the rest.

The site is down at this very moment.

I’ve checked the site.(’s from Germany.
There is a VeriSign certicicate for online shop(
(as you know, VeriSign is the world top SSL provider.)
And there is no more certificates.
