Is SchSvr.exe safe?

I was using my windows media and just finished adjusting my time. Then all of a sudden a popup from comodo saying that schsvr.exe was trying to launch dwwin.exe. I blocked it, then it says that schsvr.exe is trying to do the same with drwtsn.exe. I recognize this as dr.watson so I allowed it. Was it okay to block the request and then allowed the second one? It says in my defense+ events that the first one created a process then the second one accessed a memory in my comodo (target was comodo). I got worried if it might be something bad.Please help.

Do you have anything by InterVideo installed on the computer.

The program should be located at C:\Program Files\Common Files\InterVideo\SchSvr\SchSvr.exe

Check this is where the exe is, if it is in the above location all should be good. dwwin is part of the dr watson error reporting tool so something may have crashed and this was reporting it.
