Is AV update working?

As in the subject…are you able guys to update the AV??..I’m trying right now (5.8 last beta)…but it says it failed, check internet connection etc…

All is good and working here the last beta before this had an issue with the virus data base freezing but it is fixed in this version.

I’m running the latest beta and the updates work just fine. Are you able to connect to the internet with a web browser? If you go to Firewall Behavior Settings and look at the advanced tab, can you tell me what settings you have checked in? Trying unchecking everything in this tab and attempt to update again.

Not working either for me. After downloading some .cav files, at the time when it should be merging the updates with the main DB, error stating that it failed to update and to check the internet connectivity. Internet connectivity is OK.

The fix is to download the full bases.cav, apply it manually, then it should work.