Is 2.4 still a safe and good firewall to use?

I used CPF v3 a while ago and it confused the hell out of me. Therefore I have been using v2.4 and for the past couple days I have been using PC Tools Firewall Plus which is another good free firewall. The only thing is that it doesn’t have protection against dll injection and so I was thinking of switching back to Comodo Personal Firewall 2.4. Is the v2.4 still safe and good enough to be used on an XP professional pc?

Sure it’s a good Firewall. a ■■■■■■ good Firewall. It just doesn’t have “All” the Bells & Whistles. I also found v3.0 Confusing and Irritating as Hell, so I went back to 2.4.

If you really want to have Super Protection, you might want to use this Program. Sandboxie. A while back I ran across this Program and was how small it was (430 KB.) and how effective it was. I use it mainly just for Browsing, but you can Install and run Programs Sandboxed too if you want to just try-out Programs you aren’t quite sure of, or if there safe to use. It doesn’t allow any Program or Browser running to touch the Operating System. After you have finished Browsing or whatever, just “Delete” the Sandbox.

Check-out the Forum over there if you have any Questions.


Ken: :-X