internet connection icon

my internet connection icon ,the two little screen ,is blocked by comodo from appearing in the system tray ,does anyone know why. When i exit the firwall the icon appears in the system tray ,thank you

Is the icon blocked or is the internet connection blocked? I don’t think a fw blocks icons.

Thank you for your replay , I am connected to the internet ,it is that icon the two little screen that appears in the system tray that is blocked by the comodo, infact when i exit the firwall the icon is back on.

Hey xmatrix,

I use CPF 2.4, and I don’t have this problem. I never heard of anyone having this problem, so not sure if the problem is related with CPF. If you go to Internet connection settings, right-click and choose properites, is this box checked when CPF is running?

My version of XP is Swedish, but I guess you have those two boxes too.


I have IE and Firefox. I have never seen an internet provider put an icon in the sys tray. The only icon I’m aware of with two little screens is Zone Alarm FW.
Maybe the icon is from something else, and coincidently disappears when you go on line.

if comodo is disable ,when i am connected to the internet i get in the system tray an icon ,two little screen which tells me about the speed of my coneection ,this icon disapperead when comodo is running .i have tried many think but i now know it is blocked by the firwall . version 2.4

We’re not talking about any icon from ISP, we’re talking about this one:

Yes the two little screen flashing

xmatrix, go to taskbar and start menu properties, click on customize notifications, click on local area connection. select always hide. local area connection icon in tray will then dissapear then. assuming you are using windows. darth

Also, by going into the taskbar & start menu properties, you may find that the settings for the notification tray (formerly systray) limit the number of active icons or somesuch. It may also have an expand/collapse setting to show hidden icons.

At any rate, I am not aware of any functionality by which the firewall would stop the network connection icon from showing in the tray, when active. That just isn’t something that the firewall does. It could block the connection, but it cannot block the icon, as the icon has no connection itself.