Instead of new products, how about improving existing ones? [locked]

Dear Xan,

how about moving/deleting all the distracting posts in the middle and re-focusing on the question
Instead of new products, how about improving existing ones?

What do you think? IMHO it is still an unanswered question, especially by Melih.


Dear R.I.P. :slight_smile:

Than explain to me what is wrong with this answer :

I think ( and I hope 88) ) Melih considder me as a pain in the ■■■ too ;D But let us be fair here :wink:

Greetz, Red.

What’s wrong Red?

He answered YOUR question, not mine.

Doe that explain why I am not satisfied (with the “answer” and the soft)?


I really agree with you R.I.P. Covering a lot of products at the same time is not a very good idea. I never liked this strategy, cos there are many examples on how trying to add as much programs/features as possible ruins the product(s) and makes it/them mediocre at best. McAfee, former Norton. Take a look at Mozilla - they stopped developing Thunderbird (which is IMO one of the best e-mail clients available) to focus on FireFox. And you can see now - FireFox shines and the Thunderbird development is back too. :slight_smile:

We improve the existing products as well as devleop new ones.

There is no rule stating developing new products and improving current ones are mutually exclusive and we are lucky to have an amazing R&D dept to be able to handle all that.

There is a misconception that if you throw another 100 people to the same project the speed willl increase by 100. Actually the project might come to a halt. I am happy with the speed and quality of the work that our great R&D dept is coming up with. And I am also happy with the maintanence of and improvement of current products.

thank you


I’m totally happy with it to.

Maybe instead of hiring more team members, you should consider hiring more people that deal with marketing and have “serious” connections. That’s my opinion only. I’m not into this business, so I can’t judge or be objective :slight_smile:

Dear Melih,
thank you very much for your answer.

I agree with the “100 more do not force” theory, IF there is already enough manpower.
But if it’s not about too low manpower - then what’s it about? The abilities of the current project leader(s)?

You’re unhappy with CAV2.x but CIS3.x is (very) unready. Many bugs and missing features, design glitches, issues.

So what is it all about? What was the reason I should trust in you though your current products (CAV, CIS) are bad or BETA or both or unready and it is NOT about manpower?

Thank you, R.I.P.

…to make you moneytary interested: I judge the value of for instance a “COMODO authentic & secure” sign for sure on the quality of other products of the issuer.

So from my todays experiences that sign in the right corner of really does not mean anything to me. I saw that many issues with your other products - that do NOT needed to withstand hackers and malware - and would therefore not trust “COMODO authentic & secure” to withstand it.
Can you follow me?


I think that’s the sign you get when your webpage has SSL certificate provided by COMODO.

Comodo’s product’s are nice and reliable once they mature and all the bugs get ironed out, but it takes quite some time for those products to reach that stage and a lot of users just loose intrest in them and go for something else :-\

Well, Commodus,

not completely.
That’s the sign you get when you [have whatever contract - I dunno] and put the code

on the bottom of your web page.

Commodo then “verifies” that the displayed page is yours. Or such.

Anyway, the sign means “I can trust that site because it is COMODO verified”.
If only I could trust COMODO for secure and bug free programming…


I am SO sorry, that I was wrong. About COMODO verified a site before displaying that Icon.
Cut & Paste into a completely new browser window and you see the icon.

And I am even more sorry that I am right! About that bad implementation of one product is a very good sign for bad implementation of another product.


I agree and we are employing more in marketing…



Its about conception, pregnancy, birth, crawling, walking and running!

its the natural process that any product has to go thru. I believe we are doing an amazing job within the time period we had! Me not being happy about the previous beta of our CAV means just that. It no way means that it wasn’t better than other paid for products.

I do like it that you expect only the best from Comodo and I thank you for that expectation.



Content Authentication is a problem “only” solved by Comodo
You will see that VE will not authenticate the copied logo.


how does the end user (the only one that would really be interested) know about htat?

its available on our free product page.


(edited by (:m*) )

I think most of Comodo product are being developed at a great rate (well, except some that just seem to be dormant like ComodoMeet). I like how Comodo is able to make program so quickly, and most without too much bugs (but don’t hurry too much Comodo, or there will be more bugs).

I don’t know who you are rip. I can’t verify whether you worked for us or not. Care to PM me with your identity since you claim to be our ex-employee so that I can verify this to our users.



You don’t know me Melih and I never worked for your company. BTW never would.
It’s symptomatic for COMODO’s view of the user not to take into accoun HOW much time each and every single user - especially forum users - donate to your company.

I stop that right now. It just takes me hours for no personal use.
