
So I am finally getting around to a problem that occurs occasionally. I will use Adobe Reader version 11 in this case.

So I have Adobe Reader version 11 installed. In CPM there is only one line item and it states version 11.0.0. Then I got a message that there was an update (this is through Adobe Reader), so I updated to version 11.0.1. Again, in CPM it only showed one line item; version 11.0.1.

Now today I got a message that there is an update to version 11.0.2. So I installed and again this is through Adobe Reader. Once done I get the typical “restart” from Adobe. So when I do, I go to see CPM and how it got monitored. Now I see two line items (see attached pic called “Capture”)

So what I do is I uninstall all of Adobe Reader and then reboot, then I clean my system. Now I have to install version 11.0.0, reboot when asked to and then I do a “check for updates” and then the update begins. Again, CPM is monitoring all this. When I reboot and I go back to CPM, again, the same two line items are there again.

So I unistall Adobe Reader again, reboot and then I do the same process again except I do not reboot after installing 11.0.0. I just immediately “check for updates” and install version 11.0.2. Again CPM monitors everything. Once I install everything I then reboot and then I go back to CPM and now I have one line item (see pic called “Capture2”)

So I am not sure why this happens in CPM and this occurs on other programs at times. Example Firefox, when Firefox goes from version 18.0 to 18.0.1 and then it happens on 18.0.2.

Is this something I am doing wrong or is this a bug or something else? I am just curious if anyone gets what is indicated on my pics and how they fix this so it does not happen. Thanks

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Sorry, I should have added that this occurs on:

Windows XP 32-bit Professional - 2 systems
Windows 7 64-bit Professional - 5 systems