installing a certificate on thunderbird

How do I import and install a certificate into thunderbird. I received my email from comodo and click on tag. But when I look for my certificates there is nothing there. So I need to import it I guess, but don’t know what PKCS12 is.

I am having the same problem. Ordered the free cert. Got the email. Clicked on link in email. Went to website. Says the certificate is installed. But I can’t find it anywhere. I am using Windows7 Home Premium. I have looked in the Windows Certificate Store, the IE store, the Firefox store, and the Thunderbird store.

If anyone sees this and responds, thanks in advance.

Your cert (by default) is installed in your browser (Firefox, IE, etc) not your email client. I use Firefox so I will give instructions for that:

Open browser and got to Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Encryption and click on “View Certificates”
Highlight your certificate and press “Backup”, a window will open, put a name in for the file, it will automatically save it as a PKCS12 file with the extension .p12

Now open Thunderbird and go to Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Certificates and click “View Certificates”
Click the “Your Certificates” tab then “Import”. Now find the .p12 file you made, and import it.

Next set up your email account (ie:
In Thunderbird click Edit>Account Settings and select your email account then click “Security”
Under security there are two sections “Digital Signing” and “Encryption”, for each of them click “Select” and choose your certificate. Click “OK” to finish.

You are now ready to Sign and/or Encrypt you emails.

Hope this Helps…

I appreciate the reply. I followed your instructions, however the cert is not in Firefox. I turned off my firewall and went through the retrieval process again using Firefox. A window popped up and said that “Your certificate has been successfully installed.” But it is not in FireFox and it is not in IE. Still need help. I forgot to say that my PC is 64 bit if that matters. Thanks!

64 bit shouldn’t matter, I run 64 bit Linux with Firefox and it installed without a hitch (on several machines)!

Do you run any A/V, adblockers, scriptblockers, etc? My guess would be to turn everything off and try again.

Are you running any other browsers (opera, chrome)? Is IE or FF your default browser?
I’m afraid I have not used Windows in so long, I wont be much help on that end, sorry.

Have you tried emailing Comodo, there is an address in the email you received:
secureemail Comodogroup com

Edit: Are you using Comodo’s Secure Email software or just doing things manually? I do not use their software, I just use my email client (Evolution or Thunderbird) to handle everything for me. Works like a charm.


I had a terrible time with this and finally figured it out. Have posted here for any poor sods like me who can’t figure ti out - hope it saves you time!!

  1. Apply & return to collect certificate using only certain browsers - ie, opera, firefox, safari, ( not chrome/other browsers!!) If you mess up, you will have to contact Comodo by em to revoke the certificate for you and start over in the new browser, because you cannot apply for and collect / revoke certificate using a different browser (a key is stored in the browser and unless it matches the certificate, you can’t collect or revoke it on that browser. Using an unapproved browser will essentially lock you out of collecting or revoking and then you cannot apply using your same em address until the company revokes it for you.

2 . So apply and collect certificate using one of the above browsers as follows - apply online, then respond to your email and collect certificate. You will then need to import the certificate from the browser to your system . Make sure to back it up. To do this - if using ie (as i did) goto tools–>options–>content tab–>certificates–>select certificate you want with a single click → select export -->follow steps and save to a file, and an external location. I suggest saving in pkcs 12 and including the key, and in one other format (i use pkcs 7). Save intermediate certificates too for safety!! Always back up or you will have problems. Some companies charge revocation and handlng fees even for free certificates!! Comodo is ethical and does not but they don’t need stupid people (like me) calling for little reason other than their own stupidity when they use the wrong browser to collect/apply for certificates. That being said, save and back up your certificate.

  1. Now import to thunderbird. Go to tools–> options–>advanced–>view certificates → personal tab–>select import–>find the location where you saved the certificate (when exporting from browser, above). Select certificate (this is important - you will need it saved in pkcs 12 at this point. If not, thunderbird won’t locate the certificate). Follow steps.

4.Then go to account -->settings–>security–>and select your certificates to digitally sign and encrypt messages, they will now be easily found and ready for selection!

So much easier when you know what you’re doing - after 12 hrs of trying.
Hope this helps someone.

edit: Converted to mixed case by Mod. kail

This is how I do it: YOUTUBE VIDEO