Installer wizard with Drag & drop support

An installer wizard (with Drag & drop support) under Defense+ Tasks > Common Tasks could be used specifically to address installers and override some related settings like “Automatically trust files from trusted installers” on a per-installer basis:

The wizard could allow to:

[ol]- Run installer outside the Sandbox if “Automatically detect the installers/updaters and run them outside the Sandbox” is disabled.

  • Allow “Automatically trust files from trusted installers” to be set differently from the current Sandbox option
  • Assign installer policy to the installer and its child processes (implicit default approach)
  • Assign any predefined policy (including user made ones) to the installer and its child processes (by means of advanced option) only if unrecognized
  • Assign any predefined policy (including user made ones) to the installer and its child processes (by means of advanced option) even if safelisted or got an existing (D+ or sandbox) policy[/ol]

I think that the current automatic elevated privs alert needs replacing by a wizard too. People just don’t know how to respond to it, and it therefore creates a security risk.

well if they click Allow on a malware installer thinking its good that a risk anyway right there total bypass of CIS4 and sandbox, right?

Isn’t that a dancing pigs dilemma, right it is?

If anybody wish to install something they think “its good” they could even ignore any warning or alert they get (whatever security approach or application they use)…

No doubt though, there are obviously safe (but not recognized) applications anybody wish to install without alerts (eg using the installer/updater policy) whereas point 4 and 5 provide a way to get pretty much full alerts (a custom predefined policy can be also one with everything set to ask…)

I hope they read and answer you but it’s hard to see the developers in this area of the forum, and I have never seen an idea posted here be use or discuss by a developer, maybe they only read (I hope so) but if not is a pitty because they are lossing great ideas like this one, or the best :