Installation Mode (Turn Off) !!

Hey Comodo Friends,

have a small question about Comodo Firewall Pro v3.0.16.295

Security Settings are >>
Firewall Security Level : Train with Safe mode
Defense + Security Level : Train with Safe mode

This is my problem see image below,

Every time when I install an application / game, I’m receiving the message ! so I switch to the mode,

shortly I receive a reminder if I want to switch to Previous mode !!

Is there a way to turn this off !! if so please give me the answer !!

Best Regards,
Robert G

You should receive that message. Install Mode is only for use when you are installing something. Then you are suppose to put it back to the previous mode. What Comodo is telling is normal and Comodo way of trying to make you aware that you are in install mode and not full protection mode.

Dear Vettetech,

thanks for your quick reply,
okay understand it now !

Is there an option to change that, without being notified everytime when I try to install an application or game !!

Best Regards,
Robert G

This is normal behavior of any firewall. I used Zone Alarm, Comodo, Online Armor and Outpost. They all have pop ups when you are installing something. Right now I am trying out a new version of Online Armor.