Installation mode stopped working

Using v with xp home, Installation mode used to work fine before but now it has stopped working, i dont know what caused this, look at the screenshot below

In the screenshot above I clicked on the “Switch to installation mode” link, the link changed to " Switch to Previous mode" but the d+ level is still set to Clean PC Mode.

Thats the way its suppose to work. When you change to install mode it does not change the D+ llevel. BTW you should get the latest version 320.

But before whenever i clicked “Switch to Installation mode” D+ level in the summary page used to change to Installation mode.

I have been using Comodo 3.0 for a year now I say and there has never been an install showing under D+, Click on the “clean pc mode” and you will see all the options for D+. No where there will you see “install”.