Installation Failed

Whenever I try to install CF, I get this alert while it’s installing…

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi Gator,
Do you have the Comodo AV already installed?


No, I just wanted the Firewall

Hi Gator,
I was just going to point you to the add/remove CIS component wizard if you did already have the AV.

I would suggest cleaning out the following temp location, reboot and then attempt to reinstall again.

Have you previously had Comodo Firewall installed?
Is Comodo Firewall listed under ‘Windows Programs and Features’?


Did it and it still it says failed

Have you previously had Comodo Firewall installed?
Is Comodo Firewall listed under [i]'Windows Programs and Features'[/i]?
[b]Yes[/b] Mod edit: Fixed the quote tags, Captainsticks.

Hi Gator,
Have you tried uninstalling under ‘Windows Programs and Features’ before attempting the installation again?


This is a fresh install, i’ve tried a few times with a clean temp directory and it still gives me that error. Right around 60% that error pops up. Is v5.10 still pretty secure?

Hi Gator,
Sorry to hear that the issue is persistent.
5.x FW is still safe to use, however due to the partial/failed installation it might be worth looking at the suggestions Kindly posted by Chiron in the following link.
Most Effective Way to Reinstall/Update CIS to Avoid/Fix Problems

Kind regards.