Installation Error


I have just downloaded CPF and am trying to install it on my Windows XP SP2 PC. Unfortunately I am getting the following error:

“The InstallScript engine on this machine is older than the version required to run this setup. If available, please install the latest version of ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance.”

After clicking “OK”, I get the following error:

“-1603 Fatal error during installation. Consult Windows Installer Help (Msi.chm) or MSDN for further information”

I have a fully updated XP installation. Any ideas?



Ignore me… I found the answer here:

The install requires v7 of ISScript and my version must have been corrupted, so I deleted the files as specified and downloaded and installed a clean version.

Glad you solved the problem, and posted the solution. Good info that possibly can help someone else later. Thanks, tim
BTW,welcome to the forum.


Out of date topic.

Ewen :slight_smile: