Installation alerts/email certificate

  1. when I logged in I got a popup that said a new version of CSE was available, did I want to install it? I said yes and a couple of seconds later I had another popup that said I had downloaded CSE and no further action from me was required. Wow! I thought. That was really easy.

But when I clicked on my browser an installation wizard popped up. Maybe the first confirmation should say that I had successfully downloaded, and that I would now receive prompts to install.

  1. Then a popup told me that I didn’t have a certificate. So I answered the questions to request a certificate for my hotmail address.

At step 4 of 6 I got a new popup that said
Comodo SecureEmail has detected that you have already ordered a Comodo email certificate for the email (hotmail address)
Please note that if you order a new email certificate Comodo SecureEmail will not be able to install the previously ordered one. Would you like to order the new Comodo email certificate? Yes/no

Obviously, I have installed CSE before but neglected to install my certificate, so I have been remiss. But if CSE were perfect it would look for a downloaded certificate as opposed to an installed certificate, and the error message at that point would have prompted me to install my previously downloaded certificate.

Neither of these is a huge deal, just offering them as suggestions.

Hi Katharine,

Yes we had issue that we should have installed new version of CSE in a quiet mode for user (without installation wizard). This issue has been fixed and will be available in the very next version.

Actually, we don’t have enough information at this stage to install previously ordered certificate (we should have data from collection e-mail) so we just inform user that he (or she) has been already ordered certificate and if we will order it again - then he will be unable to get the previous one.

Thanks for your comments. Your feedback is really appreciated.

Regards, Eugene.

Thank you–my pleasure!