
Ok, so I recently installed Comodo about over a month ago…and it’s been great. (R)

However, recently I keep getting random BSOD’s that keep referring to the file “inspect.sys”

After searching for the file on my computer, I checked the properties and it said that it was a part of Comodo Firewall.

So, I guess my question is, has anyone else had this problem?

What can I do to prevent from the BSOD’s?




1- Can you please give us the details of your CPF version, Operating System and all other security products installed?
2- Do you have" Security->Advanced->Secure against trojan protocols" option enabled?
3- When and how do you get this BSOD? Did it start BSODing after installing a specific software?
4- Can you tell us what you see in the BSOD screen? i.e. all the numbers you see on the blue screen

If you can correctly answer these 4 questions, we can see what is going on.


1- Can you please give us the details of your CPF version, Operating System and all other security products installed? 2- Do you have" Security->Advanced->Secure against trojan protocols" option enabled? 3- When and how do you get this BSOD? Did it start BSODing after installing a specific software? 4- Can you tell us what you see in the BSOD screen? i.e. all the numbers you see on the blue screen
  1. I am using CPF, with Windows XP Pro, and McAfee Virus Scan On Access.

  2. No, I do not have the secure against Trojans checked.

  3. Pretty much I noticed it a few weeks after installing CPF. I do not think it started after installing certain software to my memory or knowledge.

  4. The BSOD’s usually say something like: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL; Stop:0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xF7451E42); inspect.sys; Address F7451E42 base at F7447000, DateStamp 44750d8a.

Thanks for your help!


Looks to me like if a network card driver is not behaving properly. It probably gets acerbated by CPF.

What network card are you using and what version driver are you running?
If you’re using a USB connected device for your connectivity tell us about that instead (make, model, driver+version).


Can you send us the memory dump? And what is your network card & driver?


What network card are you using and what version driver are you running? If you're using a USB connected device for your connectivity tell us about that instead (make, model, driver+version).

I am using a motherboard integrated SiS 900-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter, with a version sisnic.sys (file version built by WinDDK) driver.

Can you send us the memory dump?

I attached my last two memory dumps zipped up to the thread.



[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi Brian,

According to the memory dumps, i guess there is something wrong with your ethernet adapter driver. Can you please update SIS drivers to latest version and retry?
Here is the link for it:

Let us know if this solved your problem.


The SiS 900 is renowned for not being a particularly fast or stable NIC. Although SiS has improved the drivers over time there’s only so much they can do about it. Hopefully the 1.19 drivers can resolve the current issue.

If you need a suggestion in purchasing a new network card let me know. Just about any card is better than the SiS 900 (ok, well the Realtek 8139 is just as bad but at least Realtek constantly improves their drivers).


Ok, well I had to recently get a new mobo because my Dell fried. So I got an Asus P4S800D-X, and that was the network card that came integrated. I’ll think about getting a new network card if the BSOD’s keep up.

Do ya’ll have any suggestions as to where I can get a decent, reliable, yet inexpensive card?



Have you tried updating your drivers?Perhabs the latest driver will not have an issue at all. Nonetheless it is worth to change as SIS ethernet adapters notoriously problematic by creating certain types of BSODs.


I have a Network Everywhere Model NC100 PCI network card and a Linksys EtherFast 10/100 USB Network Adapter Model USB100TX adapter.

If one of these would be of use to you, PM me and I can send it to you. (NO COST) Just trying to help


I just looked up a few network cards on newegg and I found this which may interest you. It’s based on the Realtek network chip (seems to be the RTL8169S) so you’ll be able to find drivers as often as 2 times per month on the Realtek site which is:

Here’s the link for the card:

If instead you want something with much better performance and practically flawless drivers then I’d suggest getting an Intel Pro/1000 desktop adapter. I’ve never had a driver problem with one of those. It does come at a price premium though.


Hey guys,

I appreciate all of your help and input!

So, I did update the drivers and all, however, I was out of town this weekend, so I have not been able to really use it much to see if anything occurs. I imagine that we’ll find out this next week when I use the compy more if this issue has been resolved or not. I’ll keep ya’ll posted.

Again, thanks for all the great help and input, you guys rawk my face off.


I had the same problem with my PC running the latest official release of CPF but I am using an Asus A8N SLI-Premium motherboard with the built in Nvidia NIC. I’ve been using the latest beta for a few days now and the problem seems to have gone

You should make sure you’re using the latest 6.86 drivers for that particular motherboard. It makes a difference in network speed and responsiveness. Not only that, but it should give you better compatibility with the release version of CPF (they solved a few glitches in the driver).

You can get them right here: nForce4/500 series - Win 2000/XP|NVIDIA

Of course DO NOT install the Network Access Manager (NAM) when it asks since it is the NF4’s “broken” hardware Firewall.


Ok guys…

I came back today and my computer had restarted because of a “serious Windows error” and so I checked the dump file. Alas, it was the inspect.sys file once again. I suppose I should look into a new network card I suppose…



i’m getting BSOD aswell from inspect.sys thou i m using Marvell Yukon net adapter ( integrated to Asus P5W DH DELUXE).

Same problem guys.

Card is a Broadcom 440x 10/100 integrated - Latest Drivers available from Dell (4.25)
Dell Inspiron 6000d

Also in the system is a Intel a/b/g 2915 wireless.
I have not had any problems when this card is connected.

It usually takes almost a day for the BSOD to happen.

Another piece of information that MIGHT be of interest, I have enabled onboard processors for network cards through System Mechanic Pro 7. Never caused a problem when using Iolo Firewall (which I really didn’t like, and have found Comodo to be much better), so I don’t think that’s a problem. Thought I’d mention it anyway.

Any ideas and/or know where I can get an updated driver (this one is a year old) that will work on this laptop?
Replacing the card really isn’t an option.

Hi Guys,

While reporting BSODs please try to find and attach the memory dumps so that we can analyze and understand the cause of these events.


My appologies.

Here you are. Thanks for your time. Got 4 of them zipped up here.

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