Hi, this is just to report the link in Comodo Internet Security “Live support” near settings open an insecure page.
This is an issue on the configuration of the used live chat.
A security software with a insecure link connection
Suggest to fix the configuration of the live chat to work only with SSL
The score on SSL LABS of the https link (forced manually) of the live help web software used by Comodo is A so seems good… just a bad idea to not force SSL.
When opening Geekbuddy (http://ws.livepcsupport.com) from within CIS it uses a plaintext connection instead of a session via HTTPS.
Not sure if this has always been the case, however given that some sort of personal/sensitive information seems likely to be sent via this connection I don’t see why it should not use HTTPS.
Maybe there is a new issue. Please be sure chat is working as when i try to start a chat an error is showed:
The chat session could not be initialized. Please try again later.