Initiatating Problem: Taking Way to Long!!

Hello Forum: Brief Discription of problem: Firewall is taking 5 minutes to initiate after initial bios post screen, running system is xpS2, and i have read other posts of symtoms about terminal service which i have turned off because it is a unnecessary service to have on and plus it is another vector of attack,is there anyway that the firewall can be speeded up, maybe have firewall start up straight away,and the initiation going on in the backgound.
That particular problem has been with us since the start in the beta program, which oblviously has not been looked at, other than that slight annoyance the firewall is running like a baby, nice work comodo dev team and fellow beta testers.
PS- Is my system protected in that 5 minute window when the firewall is being initiated, i dont like the feeling that the firewall is lagging to start up straight away, the 2.4 didnt have this problem, and it was aware that i had the terminal service switched off!!

Anyway enough of the gripping and Cheers to Comodo!!! Bazza3000!!! (:KWL) (:NRD) (:WAV)

i un-installed comodo and re-installed it. now it initializes immediately.

oops. started happening again so i un-installed and re-installed and it didn’t fix the problem this time