Infrared Connection non Available working with Comodo Firewall [Resolved]

with Comodo firewall (version installed, infrared connection doesn’t work (Hw is IBM Thinkpad R50 with XP).
On Windows XP system Infrared Device is available without any conflicts (Windows says it works well), but after Comodo firewall installation it’s impossible to connect anything via infrared.

Infrared connection doesn’t work also if i set Comodo firewall to “Allow All” or if i close Comodo Firewall.

If i unistall Comodo firewall infrared connection works well again.

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance …

Anyone ???

Really odd. On my Toshiba 6100 laptop, IR works with Jasjam, Palm, citizen IR printer - anything I throw at it. I’ve checked on four other IR equipped PCs and it all worked fine.

I hate to suggest the Microsoft one-step solution, but it may be worth reinstalling (after backing up your rulesets with the script found at,2366.msg18544.html#msg18544).

Let us know how you go.

Ewen :slight_smile:

Ciao Ewen,
after a reistallation it works.

After few checks i’ve verified that the problem was due to “Monitor other NDIS protocols than TCP/IP” flag checked. If this parameter (in Security - Advanced - Advanced Attack Detection and Prevention - Miscellaneous) is not checked my IRda connection works fine.

Thank you

Ciao Sergio,

Sorry. I should have asked you to check that first.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Ewen :slight_smile:

P.S. I’ll mark this as resolved and lock it.