Info & Help Needed

I have HP laptop with Win 7 64.

I have 2 probs.

  1. Dont know if its the default setting or prob. When AV/FW is disbaled you get a notification from window. Mine is set to show icon & notification both. But I dont get the notification like a popup in XP, only a X mark on the icon. Is it the default or any prob? Info & Help Plzz.

  2. Battery setting is set to default i.e Balanced Mode, no changes done to any settings. When battery discharges I dont get the notification prior to battery discharge & the system shuts down which is very irritating. Previously I use to get the notification. I installed the HP software from the HP page of my system model, from where I installed all the drivers for the system. It shows everything fine but for battery it shows unsupported battery. Info & Help Plzz.
