Indirect access to an object has been obtained


If I disable the 3 remote drivers in Vista under device manager, telnet and remote desktop user, under services, and netbios over TCP\IP, will that prevent me from being able to use my computer in a normal fashion, and most importantly, will it prevent a hacker who is targeting each machine that I plug into my LAN connection?

I am trying to prevent indirect access to object type : Port
object name : RPC contol\actkernel
accesses: communicate using port
and indirect access to security in root.

I think that may be how my 2 home computers are being hit.

For better security I installed Comodo firewall and antivurus. After a few hours, my system crashed and on reboot Comodo reported that the firewall was not working correctly, and when I checked the security tab, there was an unknown account listed. 2 of the drivers for Superantispyware had also been disabled. I did e mail the cfp crash dump to support on 23 July.

Thank you for any advice,