
Hi all :slight_smile:

I’ve been a pretty happy CPF user for about 3 months now. But due to bizarre problems lately, I’m taking a break and trying another FW. Here’s what happened, and maybe others are experiencing this as well :

I frequently visit forums coded in php, and I had a problem which I thought was browser related ; every 5 to 10 clics on any php forum (post, view topic, logon, etc…) I would get a prompt from FireFox to download “Index.php” :-\ Accepting the download got me a file on the Desktop which did nothing, yet my “request” (clic on the forum) remained unanswered. I then had to empty my browser cache to be able to “communicate” with the forum again. This happened a lot… and lasted for over a month before I suspected CPF was involved. It was, because when I uninstalled it, the problem never re-occured. Dunno what happened there, or if anyone else has had this…

And just a few days ago, CPF shut FireFox out for no reason… When it happened, I checked for a “block” somewhere, but all was green. I’ve just read somewhere that perhaps a reboot would cure this odd behavior, but I’ve decided to wait for bugs to be ironed out before I use it again. I had the "Avast! issue a while back, which was quickly corrected :wink:

I’m not an unhappy customer, just one that likes things that are stable and bug-free. I’ll be back someday I’m sure, because the program is very promising…