
Hello i would like to bring something to your attention. I’m not sure if this has already been reported.

Now… Using the latest version of CSC i figured this out 100% for myself i tested it and everything your free to test it if you dont think its true everything i run it everything checked full clean all box’s checked prefetches ETC… now after the restart 2 new optional windows updates come back like it may have erased importent system files and it wants me to reinstall the updates… updates include…

Windows Media Player 11 (for Windows Media Center Edition 2005)

Update Rollup for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 (KB925766)

K now of course there is a solution on the windows update help site i follow the directions…

Tells me stop the windows update service and delete temp files in software distrubution folder then everything works… but its just annoying i have to do this everytime i run CSC!?

Sorry ■■■■■■ grammar!



If you checked everything, this also means Prefetch Application Cache and Filter Entries, and by checking these options you receive a warning message : “By checking this option your operating system may be affected. Use it at your own risk !” for Prefetch and “Some applications that are related with filter entries could be damaged! Use it at your own risk!”. This means that those options are only for advanced users who can select what to clean form the scanning results list, as they see fit. If you don’t know exactly what will be cleaned using those options, leave them out of the selection for scanning.

Thank you for your support.

The problem I ran into on two laptops, one running XP Home SP3 and the other running Vista Business SP1, is that the warning message for Filter Entries DIDN’T come up because Filter Entries was checked by default after updating the program from within from the previous version. It was supposed to be unchecked by default, but it wasn’t. This has to be a programming flaw because it has happened to me on two different computers now, both running Office XP. This problem of Filter Entries being checked by default did not happen when updating to the latest version from within the CSC program on our two Vista Ultimate desktops running Office 2007.

If the user doesn’t pay close attention and just goes by what the release notes say, they will learn the hard way when certain programs such as Microsoft Office XP, require reinstallation of a feature when an Office program is first opened after CDC cleaning. After discovering this flaw, I unchecked Filter Entries, and then when I rechecked it is when I did finally get the warning message “Some applications that are related with filter entries could be damaged! Use it at your own risk!”. Filter Entries being checked after updating from within the program apparently does not always happen. But it should not ever happen, because you think you are safe when cleaning with CDC, but then you find out that you are not because something was checked by default that wasn’t supposed to be.

It still happens when the program stays default so wrong answer :frowning:


We tried every possible scenario , with options checked by default and then all options selected in Disk Cleaner, and there weren’t any windows update problems, or errors reported after cleaning with CSC. Please post ( attach ) your CDC and CRC log files so we can analyze them.

Thank you for your support.

Ok thanx for reply these were in my program files/comodo/system cleaner, folder.


[ 06.05.09 12:00:11 ] Starting Scan
[ 06.05.09 12:00:11 ] Scan Finished
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_158.dat
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\0bc0aa99a52724e997b08dc0a371d19610404f10
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\14d19c27b28cc3990260d7191f6e0ff6c7483623
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\5333d4f3be10ce6e7e784a5e11f3023dd1443de6
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\85605e276a7d714b23cce78face8f915f1b7242c
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b763712ee43f0fd0430236022685ae9e6e5707bb
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\sp3gdr\msctfime.ime
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\sp3qfe\msctfime.ime
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\spmsg.dll
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\spuninst.exe
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\susdl.rq0
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\branches.inf
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\eula.txt
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\spcustom.dll
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\update.exe
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\update.url
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\update.ver
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\updatebr.inf
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\update_SP2GDR.inf
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\update_SP2QFE.inf
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\update_SP3GDR.inf
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\update_SP3QFE.inf
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\update\updspapi.dll
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead\WindowsXP-KB961503-x86-ENU.psm
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead_downloadprogress_.state
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead_unpacked_.state
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\c2605fe2baba03346e8868859fbe2ead_usedelta_.state
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\d48f584aee8983b332323bd4d2dbeceee9ec2790
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\layout.ini
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] C:\WINDOWS\Debug\PASSWD.LOG
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] Clean Finished
[ 06.05.09 12:00:20 ] Removed 35 errors
[ 10.05.09 16:19:42 ] Starting Scan
[ 10.05.09 16:19:42 ] Scan Finished
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_3d0.dat
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\0bc0aa99a52724e997b08dc0a371d19610404f10
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\14d19c27b28cc3990260d7191f6e0ff6c7483623
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\5333d4f3be10ce6e7e784a5e11f3023dd1443de6
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\85605e276a7d714b23cce78face8f915f1b7242c
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\SP3GDR\iecompat.dll
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\SP3QFE\iecompat.dll
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\spmsg.dll
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\spuninst.exe
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\branches.inf
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\eula.txt
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\KB969497-IE8.CAT
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\spcustom.dll
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\update.exe
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\update.ver
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\updatebr.inf
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\update_SP3GDR.inf
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\update_SP3QFE.inf
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c\update\updspapi.dll
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c_downloadprogress_.state
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c_file_to_execute_.txt
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c_unpacked_.state
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\873b257eaae529273826438303df4c7c_useselfcontained_.state
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\b763712ee43f0fd0430236022685ae9e6e5707bb
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\d48f584aee8983b332323bd4d2dbeceee9ec2790
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Debug\PASSWD.LOG
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] Clean Finished
[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] Removed 40 errors
[ 11.05.09 13:40:48 ] Starting Scan
[ 11.05.09 13:40:48 ] Scan Finished
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\MpCmdRun.log
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\MpSigStub.log
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_630.dat
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_638.dat
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_6ec.dat
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_7ac.dat
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast4_\Webshlock.txt
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\DOCUME~1\MiKe\LOCALS~1\Temp\jusched.log
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Debug\PASSWD.LOG
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] C:\WINDOWS\Debug\UserMode\userenv.log
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] Clean Finished
[ 11.05.09 13:40:59 ] Removed 10 errors


[ 06.05.09 11:59:48 ] Starting Scan
[ 06.05.09 12:00:03 ] Scan Finished
[ 06.05.09 12:00:03 ] Found 35 errors.
[ 06.05.09 12:00:07 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 06.05.09 12:00:07 ] Finished Clean!
[ 06.05.09 12:00:07 ] Removed 34 errors
[ 07.05.09 12:20:22 ] Starting Scan
[ 07.05.09 12:20:34 ] Scan Finished
[ 07.05.09 12:20:34 ] Found 6 errors.
[ 07.05.09 12:20:36 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 07.05.09 12:20:36 ] Finished Clean!
[ 07.05.09 12:20:36 ] Removed 6 errors
[ 07.05.09 14:20:43 ] Starting Scan
[ 07.05.09 14:20:58 ] Scan Finished
[ 07.05.09 14:20:58 ] Found 6 errors.
[ 07.05.09 14:20:59 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 07.05.09 14:20:59 ] Finished Clean!
[ 07.05.09 14:20:59 ] Removed 6 errors
[ 09.05.09 00:13:05 ] Starting Scan
[ 09.05.09 00:13:19 ] Scan Finished
[ 09.05.09 00:13:19 ] Found 50 errors.
[ 09.05.09 00:13:22 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 09.05.09 00:13:22 ] Finished Clean!
[ 09.05.09 00:13:22 ] Removed 50 errors
[ 09.05.09 12:23:05 ] Starting Scan
[ 09.05.09 12:23:19 ] Scan Finished
[ 09.05.09 12:23:19 ] Found 8 errors.
[ 09.05.09 12:23:37 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 09.05.09 12:23:37 ] Finished Clean!
[ 09.05.09 12:23:37 ] Removed 8 errors
[ 10.05.09 16:19:25 ] Starting Scan
[ 10.05.09 16:19:37 ] Scan Finished
[ 10.05.09 16:19:37 ] Found 7 errors.
[ 10.05.09 16:19:39 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 10.05.09 16:19:39 ] Finished Clean!
[ 10.05.09 16:19:39 ] Removed 7 errors
[ 11.05.09 13:40:26 ] Starting Scan
[ 11.05.09 13:40:41 ] Scan Finished
[ 11.05.09 13:40:41 ] Found 37 errors.
[ 11.05.09 13:40:46 ] Start Cleaning…
[ 11.05.09 13:40:47 ] Finished Clean!
[ 11.05.09 13:40:47 ] Removed 37 errors


The second log belongs to CSC, we need the CRC log which is located in Program Files\Comodo\System Cleaner\crc.log. You could attach the file to a message you post, no need to post the entire log here.

In the CDC log please observe the section with the results after scanning, which cand be found only if you check Prefetch Application Cache, and most important the line "[ 10.05.09 16:19:45 ] C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\ ". As I told you in my first response, by checking these options you receive a warning message : “By checking this option your operating system may be affected. Use it at your own risk !”. So after scanning Prefetch files you have to know exactly what to select for cleaning and what to clean, otherwise you will find yourself in situations like these. That was a Windows Update Manager related file “WUPDMGR.EXE”, which after deletion probably caused that scenario with those 2 updates. The purpose of the warning messages is to avoid issues like that and those options are only for advanced users.

Thank you for your support.