I'm missing a way to install Internet Security Essentials

I have a license for CIS Premium and I uninstalled my previous version and installed v. Before reinstalling CIS I uninstalled Secure Shopping and Internet Security Essentials which I saw in Windows Apps.

The new installation did not give me directly any options to install Secure Shopping and Internet Security Essentials. I did however find a way to install Secure Shopping in the Comodo program interface, but I see nothing similar about installing Internet Security Essentials.

If you check in the Folder: C:\ProgramData\Comodo\ISE\ise_installer.exe, you should find it there and be able to install it as you want

Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately I don’t have an ISE directory. What I have is as shown in the attachment.
Inside the Installer directory there is a file css_installer.exe and a cis_setup_x64.msi. There are also three other small files with a .bfe extension.

Using the offline installation would have caused that. The easiest way then is to use this Comodo link: Download

Thank you. You are a genius!

I wish! . . . but thanks and glad it’s all worked out for you :-TU