I'm getting the following error when viewing my site with firefox 3.6.13

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

It works fine in IE8 etc

Any ideas why i’m getting this error?

The site i’m using it is http://www.consolesandgadgets.co.uk

From what i see you do have a globalsign ssl correct? thus I’ moved to the correct board

From Comodo’s Support

Hope this helps -

You might not have the appropriate intermediates installed as Firefox wants the server to present the full chain to the Trusted Root. I do not know how GlobalSign has their hierarchy for their EV certificates, but this is what your server is presenting and I think you need to have the GlobalSign EV intermediate. I would check with GlobalSign Support and see what they tell you.

Certificate chain
0 s:/, Clause 5.(b)/serialNumber=SC297104/ Field Road/OU=Internet/O=Consoles and Gadgets LTD/CN=www.consolesandgadgets.co.uk
i:/OU=Extended Validation CA/O=GlobalSign/CN=GlobalSign Extended Validation CA