if the Comodo DiskShield can set its cache area in the RAM only?


Would anyone tell me that if the Comodo DiskShield can set its cache area in the RAM only?

I am using a computer with SSD (Soild-State-Drive), a type of flash memory drive with the finite erase/program cycle capability.

Therefore, I am looking for a software that can redirect Windows XP’s all (or most) physical disk writing activieis into RAM. In this way, the writing activities toward the SSD can be greatly reduced, and the life of SSD can be extended.

I found no information about the RAM cache of Comodo DiskShield, instead I found that the Cache of the Comodo is “the whole of the free HD space that can be used”

I believe if the Comodo DiskShield can set its cache area in the RAM only, a lot of SSD users will use the DiskShield to extend their SSD life.

Thanks a lot.


Just thinking out loud, but I’m pretty sure the cache file has to be on the physical disk being shielded. The only way I can see around this is to load Windows to a RAM Disk and then shield this logical disk.

Love to hear the developers take on this.

Ewen :slight_smile:

hello, I think it is easy for the developer make a RAM-Cached version of this program. But they will meet a problem that a driver can not allocate much ram space due to this ram space must be non-pageable, that means you can’t work on this way for long time or you will get the windows delay write error.

some ways to solve this problem includeing :

  1. disable your page file in control pannal, this will significantly reduced the usage of cache area.
  2. you must have enough ram space for the cache’s use, and try to only shield the volume you need to(like system volume).

hope it will be helpful for the dev team.

Returnil has this option. I am sure DiskShield will too ;D

For some strange reasons, the developers rather like bumping this thread 88)

I think this was requested before (as it aint added yet i believe) in the Wishlist.


Lets us think on it guys. It is an easy feature but the shortcomings and trade offs must be calculated properly.


I am using this feature with Returnil software and it suits me perfectly. Adding it as an option, Egemen, would be much apprecaited.


Hey Ajohn,

It’s still being discussed. Bear with the devs on this, please.

Ewen :slight_smile:

Ok…but are you part of the staff? If not, how do you know?

No’, I"m not part of staff - just a user and a volunteer moderator. I know because I asked. I wanted to know if RAM caching could be added and was told that the trade offs in speed and efficiency had to be evaluated. Another thing they need to consider is the availability of disk space as compared to available RAM.

Ewen :slight_smile:

When I use the RAM feature of Returnil my computer seems to run faster. For people who don’t use page files this is a nice feature.

Returnil doesn’t have the the RAM feature, its memory caching isn’t real. I was very disappointed by that.


Interesting, maybe Comodo can make it right.

IMHO, for the vast majority of users, while utilising a RAM cache for Disk Shield would improve its performance, it would do so at the expense of overall system throughput, as you would be reducing the amount of RAM available to the rest of the O/S and any running apps. All this would do is force more extensive and more frequent use of the paging file, which dumps us back in the realm of writing to disk, which is exactly what we are trying to avoid.

I don’t think it will happen, as you wold then have people complaining that their system slowed down too much.

Ewen :slight_smile:

It’s just a mode, an option, if you don’t have a large RAM, you can use another mode like disk caching. A real RAM caching mode will be popular for two reasons: one is large RAMs are very cheap, two is SSD will replace the traditional harddisk.

Hi all

If your use of xp Fit corresponding Microsoft Eula you can use ms own ewf
(Enhanced Write Filter)

This will effectively map all write to ram.
Documentation is there: Enhanced Write Filter | Microsoft Learn

Here’s a very complete ressource for those wanting to run XP from a CF card

You are probably interested in the post of December 3 and 18 2007
they show you how to:

  • install ewf
  • set windows to minimize useless write access
  • enable / disable & commit ewf without reboot
  • hibernate

You should also be careful about automatic defrag and such…

here’s the thread that started it all…

I’ve also found this one

(caution the reg file is the minimum to make it work, no less writing optimisation)

Hope this help…

This being said… waiting for a 3rd party software such as comodo is you best bet…


Or you can choose FBWF solution


Thanks a lot, now I’v already installed it and it works well. But there is a problem, it doesn’t release spaces automaticly. I copied a file which was 50mb to c:\ in order to see the effect, when I deleted the file ,it still occupied the RAM spaces.

I suppose you’ve tried ewf …

The problem is that ewf doesnt know what is a file … it work at NTFS level.
When you create a file you have two thing.

  1. the file information are writen to disk sectors
  2. A table point the file to the region on the disk

When you delete the file

  1. The entry is removed from the table
  2. the space no more reserved and another file can take it

but the bit changed on the disk are still changed wich is why

  1. you can undelete file
  2. you need secure delete if you do not want a file to be recovered
  3. The space is not freed by ewf as the disk is still changed…

This is why i tougth that fbwf was an interesting approach.
It’s less powerfull but it understand what are the file being created.
(it probably can apply protection per file/folder too)


FBWF (file based write filter) offers some important advantages. FBWF uses less ram (you can reclaim ram overlay space when you delete files), you can also commit on the fly (without restarting or disabling), and have persistent (write through) folders that write straight to the drive (so you can have a persistent My Documents for example).

Commiting change is done file per file , you got script to automate this task on post 19 and 24

I beleive the information here is interesting and can be usefull even for comodo dev.
However, those interested in this solution should post on the other forums as this is a comodo support forum ans I do not want to start an off-topic discution.