Ice Dragon v44 is now available to download

Looking at the classic UI style I figured XP but I wanted to be sure. The alert you are getting implies something 64 bits in the situation when it mentions “WoW64RevertWoW64FsRedirection” . Are you on a 32 or 64 bits version of XP?

Was the installation successful by the way?

I saw the same 64bit error messages as thevillager, running XP SP3 on a 32bit laptop.

After the built-in updater failed I installed from the Windows/Temp directory, but didn’t trust the install after seeing those errors. I uninstalled CID.

Then I downloaded the v.44 exe file from the link above, and ran that. Saw the same 64bit errors.

Now, going to ‘About Icedragon’ shows me running v. but the ‘Checking for Updates’ whirlygig does not stop circulating.

Thank you for reporting. It looks like something is up with the installer.

Yes, the installation was successful. I am running XP 32 bits. The classic UI shell is because I like it old school. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the new version. Will we have to wait very much for a version for multilanguage?, ¿ or is it possible to put this version 44 in Spanish? If it is like that since it is done?
Thank you very much

It’s in the works but we don’t know a time line.

Is anybody having problems with the Help → About IceDragon constantly checking for updates for a long time? Is this a problem or is it suppose to do that?

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Please check in Services (Control Panel → Administrative Tools) if the COMODO Dragon Update Service is running .

Nope, the Comodo Ice Dragon Update Service isn’t even there!

Are you running CID portable or did you install it?

I installed it using the exe from the temp folder.

Try installing CID again and see if that fixes it or not.

Tried it doesn’t fix my problem with Help → About IceDragon Update

IceDragon 45 released :-La

Thanks for the info on the new IceDragon version, yigido!

However, if you click on the big red download button on that page, you will not get version Instead you will get version

Go here and click on the orange ‘Free Download’ button to get version Endpoint Detection and Response, Free - What is EDR Security?

SecureDNS service was brought back as an option and SiteInspector link scanning was added as a new feature.


Installing seems to have fixed my Help → About IceDragon update problem. But I experienced a problem where this error message appears a few times during installation of IceDragon.

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Thanks for posting the attachment, DarkGuyver. I got the same error message when I installed an upgrade from v42.0.0.25 to v45.0.0.5 on a Windows XP SP3-32bit machine.

When you click OK on the error message, it pops up again and click OK one more time to complete the installation.

For those that are using auto-update and encounter this error, you will most likely not see the error message but it will be more than enough to cause the auto-update process to fail.

The same problem was reported with IceDragon v44.0.0.11 on page 1 of this thread.


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Yeah, I figured that is what was causing the problem. Funny thing is the Help → About IceDragon check for updates function seems to work better now. I guess it must have been a problem with the update

Comodo IceDragon Comodo Secure DNS and Site Inspector does work yet, them they did not remove from the browser ? And I don’t find that as them to include…

Hi military,
I am not sure what happened to the Web Inspector or the Secure DNS options, sorry.

[s]Also I am not sure why the Comodo Secure DNS option is no longer available from the GUI, but following the instructions below will enable it.

  1. Type about:config into the address bar and enter.
  2. Click the ‘I’ll be careful, I promise’ button.
  3. Type comodo.securedns.enabled into the search bar.
  4. Double click the preference name that appears and change the value from false to true.
    Use the following link to verify that it is active.[/s]
    Edit: Disregard the above workaround as it doesn’t work as I initially thought, sorry for any inconvenience.

Kind regards.