I Regret

I regret for the moment that i have uninstalled CIS.
The popups are just too much.
I can’t stop them and judging by the suggestions i have had on the Forum,nor can anybody else.
I really is a great pity because without the popups CIS would be 110%
Perhaps i will return when V.4 arrives on the scene,
According to Melih it will be “Minimum Hassle” and almost “No Alerts”.
We shall see.
I have been around since V.2.4 so it is a bit sad that i have decided to exit but the popups just spoil it for me.
Best Regards

This is how CIS runs on my system…

Did you have the latest version of CIS?

What setting did you have setup in CIS?

May be there went something wrong with your CIS installation. I don’t get copious amounts of alert from mscorsvw.exe.

In your other topic you didn’t try a suggested clean install. So I suggest you continue there.

When you don’t want to do a clean install you can import the back up of the Proactive Security from the Comodo installation folder under a new name and activate it. Then see what happens.

I will lock this topic as the problem needs further investigation in the mentioned topic.