I hope this will make Symantec stop spreading misinformation!



here is our PR

Symantec should publicly apologise for spreading misinformation. Unless they do this, how can they be trusted?

Here is the report:

Could you give us a more exactly link to the test results?
I could not find it.


ok, that’s what Panic was talking about :slight_smile:

now that’s something!

Its a testing organisation that Symantec said we should go to…
so we did…
and Comodo Free beat Symantec Paid…

Symantec should publicly apologise for misleading consumers! Anything less than that is simply unacceptable!


where are the details of this test? That link does not show the CIS results.

Congratulation melih :slight_smile: i like that article and results, i m very satisfied with it, this will help to stop norton making such false claims about “free antivirus softwares”.

I am going to assume CIS was one of the two applications that the results have not been published for yet.

Read this statement at the bottom of the results
“Two more products were tested, but the test reports will not be published until further notice.”

Does that mean it needs Symantec approval?

edit: I wonder if Symantec will reply to that :slight_smile:
I hope websites will report the results, this will be the best advertising.

:-TU :-TU :-TU :-TU
Congratulations! O0


Then, why aren’t they published yet?

I think that Symantec must give permission to publish…


PS: “Crusade” was a fun ;D. Сongrats.

To publish Comodo’s results? ??? Why ???

No, to publish their (90%) results…

Oh… I see.
What about Comodo’s results? Where are they? I mean, the 100% posted by Melih. I couldn’t find in their forum.

yep, I’d like to see them too, I don’t think we’ll have to wait too long…

Imo Anyone selling something needing to rubbish a free product to get sales does seem a low act to me.
e.g. High cost restaurant doesn’t need to rubbish a organization doing free food for the community to get sales whether it is better or not, this would be a fairly low act. I think some comments have put freeware down in general not just security which puts down the judgement of freeware users, and other than my OS my computer consists of all freeware and Imo my freeware software is equal or even better than paid products in some cases. Comodo doing so well with free products is just making making some paid companys envious, keep up the great work Comodo. I do wonder if Symantec people use other freeware products. These are just thoughts and no offence to anyone intended. Kind regards to you all.

Norton are already in the results list?


We will try to get the report published.

the above PR was OKed by AV-Test for publication.


I would like to congratulate the whole Comodo staff for working ■■■■■■■ their AV technology to achieve this. Just think, the Comodo AV is younger than Symantec’s, yet it still won. That shows a lot of hard work in a short amount of time and I hope everyone that worked on all the technology behind is very proud of what they accomplished. :slight_smile:

To Melih,
Did you need to pay to have this test done? If so, I still think it was worth it. This news will spread and will contradict what Symantec has said. It also is a win for all free software out there. There is a lot of great software, like MalwareBytes, and SuperAntiSpyware, and so forth, that could be hurt by misinformation. You achieved a win for everyone, not just you, but to other free software and to consumers. If you did need to pay, I thank you for having done that.

Keep up the great work everyone, and I am looking forward to what is next from Comodo. :wink:

I think you have to pay every testing company out there.
But it was worth it IMO, it’s an official result made by an independent company, and the result is really good.
I wonder if this will also change the way reviewers quote Symantec about this misinformation.