I have Grandparents who...

Who Dont know nothing about computers and I mean barely understand Yahoo Mail,

How am I supposed to tell them what we need,
Currently We have only CA Antivirus (Which i know isnt good because we had problems before)
And BOCLean Which stoped over 100 Malware Attacks/install I counted so trust me

I know this computer is filthy but How do I At least Wipe out things?

What I want to do is put Spybot and Avast and Comodo Firewall and spywareblaster on this computer,

As if you see what all things I post i let my friends use this Screen name sometimes,
P.S Comodo Is the Future Security Lord,

a) tell them NEVER to download anything without your permission. (Suggest to them to only download software from http://www.download.com)
b) Internet Security: Download Spybot - immunize system, scan for updates, scan for malwares. You may want to use AVG Antivirus and Antispyware. These are both free, the Antivirus automatically installs updates about every week or so. Your grandparents won’t have to worry about the updates. You may want to try AVG Antispyware Pro which has automatic updates as well or Webroot’s Antivirus with Antispyware.

Lastly you may want to suggest that they go to classes at their local library to learn the computer. How about Windows for Dummies or Video Professor? Eventually they can learn how to use it. If you would like you may want to teach them. Now, remember to be very kind and not to get angry with them.


I have to disagree with you there. ALWAYS try to download software (especially security ones) from their vendors’ official website.

Well Download.com is apart of CNET’s company which tests for spyware and virus of all the software. Most of the software is connected through the vendor’s official website. In fact, some vendors have you download their software from Download.com website. Moreover there are user and editor reviews of a lot of the software. It will allow users to evaluate software before even downloading it.


That’s true - some vendors do direct downloads using download.com as I’ve seen, but it never hurts to visit the official site. I guess it’s a habit I’ve developed over the years. (:AGL)

Ok I’ll trow in my two chocolate coins.
100 alert is a huge number. I guess that avast and another browser (Firefox has a better compatibility) will cut your repairing times :wink:

IMHO MS IE is a modern biblical plague

ok, then Which Pop up blocker actually works?

Firefox has an integrated popup blocker.
But I guess the better favor you can do yourself is to install adblock plus (Search results for "Adblock" – Add-ons for Firefox (en-US))
Popup management can usually trouble Grandparents.
So it is better a zero interaction setup.

I guess you can cionsider this too

for Interenet Explorer ? I need one for IE

I use IE only for the site it can really be used… Microsoft ones ;D
Really consider to disable that.
I guess that other members can suggest you a program to couple with IE but I really suggest you to not to use IE. It’s like walking with a sign reading hit me. :o

Try to use IE 7, if not got with this software: MAXTHON 2.0, look for it on download.com one of the best. Don’t let your grandparents use anything except for IE or Maxthon! Previous IE versions are spyware prone :frowning:


AARGH! :o Don’t spread the evil :cry:

BTW There was a poll listing the security softwares used by 89 V3 betatesters
