I get repeated 'unlimited access' alerts for a file - what should I do? [v4/5]

This usually happens when a non code signed installer program is used to regularly update a program, for example and anti-virus. It can also happen when you regularly run a utility program that needs full access to your system.

Assuming you trust the program, and you would never use it to run unknown software, you can apply the installer/updater policy to it using the Computer Security Policy.

To do this navigate:
In CIS 5 - to Defense+ ~ Advanced ~ Computer Security Policy ~ Defense plus rules ~ Add
In CIS 4 - to Defense+ ~ Advanced ~ Computer Security Policy ~ Add

Then select the file and apply the ‘installer/updater’ predefined policy to it. Then save all changes.

NB you should never use the installer/updater policy for a file you mistrust in any way, or which you might use to run unknown software (eg a browser or windows explorer substitute).

Updated: 12 June 2010 to reflect CIS version 4.1.xxx.920
Updated: 13 September 2010 to reflect CIS version 5.0