I don't understand my CCE scan results

I did my first CCE scan today because my pc has recently started running really slowly. The scan results showed 2x suspicious threats.

  1. C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTTask.exe
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\QuickTime Task

Could someone please help me understand exactly what these results mean? I think that the first threat relates to my quick time program run file. But I’m not sure whether to just uninstall my QuickTime software and then reinstall in order to solve the problem.
I don’t understand the second threat at all…apart from the fact that it also relates to QuickTime.

All help would be greatly appreciated.

Please try submitting the file located in Program Files as a false positive on this page. Comodo staff will analyze it and let you know whether it is dangerous or not.


I did try to submit the file earlier today, but it was still trying to load after an hour. Is there any other way that I can send the file over for analysis?


Please see this post.

This likely a false positive.

Did you try scanning with other scanners to see if malware could be the cause of the slow down? If not please run Hitman Pro, Malwarebytes Antimalware and Super Antispyware to see if you’re infected.

Thanks. I’ll have 1 more attempt at loading the file on the website and if that still fails I’ll try the winzip method.

I’m following some guidance steps. 1st I ran kaspersky TDSS killer which had clean results. Then I ran CCE which gave the results about 2x suspicious files I mentioned above. The next step is to check if these are really infected. If they turn out be a false positive then the next step is to run kill switch. There are some instructions later on re how to fix a malware infection. I’m a bit new to all this but thanks for the tip about trying other scanners.

I have just tried sending a win zip of my suspicious file to the email address that you provided of falsepositive@avlab.comodo.com but it has bounced back as undeliverable. Is this definitely the right address? Do you have any other emails that I could try instead please?

Try creating a new topic in this section of the forum, and posting a link to the VirusTotal results for the file. That’s probably the simplest way to report it at this point.

QuickTime Task
sounds like iTunes to me.

It is part of Quick Time Player hence why I think it is a false positive.