I can not update comodo error 0x80072eff!

I can not update comodo 4.0.0141842.828 it shows error 0x80072eff! what is the problem please help me
my download manager is say can not find the server
but antivirus can update automatically and web browser work correct
i confuse
i use xp sp3 and istall comodo is clean


there is no any body to answeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!
i just say that comodo for is fuuuuuuuuuuul bug program it is so baaaaad
i have very very much problem with it i crash my system my download manager can not work i take some unknow message …i use my back up but i see that comodo is install on it??? it just a powerfull torjan ,it can not know problem for defense + it engine is shit i have to change and reinstall my windows and it take my time for one day ok
so i suggest that it is better that any body dont install it til its bugs solve completly

me too but i using win 7

I have the same problem. Is there a way to get around that?