HP Pavillion Running Vista Home Premium 64

I have a customer who is running a HP Pavilion Home PC that she bought at Best Buy around a year ago. The computer has had several issues in the past which after much trouble shooting I just did a factory Restore from the hidden partition and she was back in business. I have wanted to install a better solution and figured I would try Time Machine. Here is my problem/question. When I started the install of the latest version I was presented with a pop-up that the PC had a Raid Controller installed and did I want to continue. Well that stumped me so I canceled install and started probing the system. It does indeed have a HP Raid controller installed that is controlling the single Sata drive. It may also be controlling the DVD drive with just the SATA drivers. Now with the exception of a two partitioned hard drive, one being the master and the second being the factory hidden restore partition, there is no Raid running in the PC. Now the question is, since I have no Raid running, can I install this on this PC or will the Raid controller throw it for a loop and cause me grief?
If you could let me know I would appreciate it.

Hi, bsodcsi
Here is the answer
